When trying to gather a better understanding of digital marketing and what it entails, you do not want to spend your time searching through different websites go find individual answers. Therefore, we have put together a list of common digital marketing questions and answers for you to read. This way, you will be able to deepen your knowledge in one place.

SEO - Digital marketing

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation is an essential part of digital marketing, but why? Why is it so valuable and important to business in today’s society? Below is a list of SEO related questions to you can get a better idea of search engine optimisation.

What is SEO and why is it important?

SEO is the process of upgrading and optimising the content throughout your website to attract more traffic to your website. It is also used to increase and boost your websites ranking on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo making it crucial for the long term.

Should I create an SEO strategy plan?

Whether your business is big or small, an SEO strategy plan is essential. You could be years into a successful business or even days into a new one, whatever the duration, a plan will benefit you. Although, before you make one you need to understand how, why and what aspects you need to include. This way you have a rough idea of what to do before you begin.

What should I include?

  • Keywords – Search keywords which rank for your topic
  • Look at your competitors and your target audience
  • Build pages for each ranking topic and optimised content
  • Link building – Backlinks
  • Social media
  • SSL certificate

These are some of the aspects you could include in your SEO strategy plan for 2020, although, there are plenty more things you can add too.

Social Media

Social Media

If you are trying to grow your brand, social media is the perfect place for you to gain a new/bigger audience. With millions of people scrolling on each platform each day, you are bound to increase your traffic with the right strategy.

What are different platforms good for?

Different social media platforms will give you different results. Some might give you better results than others, some might bring you a different target audience and others may not work at all… but which are which?

Facebook – Facebook has approximately 2 billion monthly active users, meaning you will be able to interact with your target audience no matter what. The platform allows businesses to customise their target to make it more specific to its users. It is great for maintaining customers and building relationships.

Twitter – Although Twitter is not one of the most popular platforms, it is still used by hundreds of millions of people each month. Twitter is great for reaching a new audience and creating more conversions for your business. Before putting your time and money into Twitter you should ensure that it is the right platform for you.

LinkedIn – Typically used for connecting with other people, organisations and B2B businesses. This platform tends to have a specific audience of those between the ages of those who work 9-5 jobs.

Which platform is better for my company?

This depends on what type of company your business is, how it works and who you are trying to reach.

As mentioned above if your business is a B2B organisation, you are best focusing on those platforms which allow you to interact with other professionals. An example is LinkedIn.

Whereas if your business is more of a B2C organisation and you are trying to connect with direct customers, platforms like Facebook will be a better option.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing is also another important aspect of digital marketing. It allows you to interact and educate your audience with the necessary information, which will result in relationship building. Here at Hive Digital Media, we offer the service of content marketing. We specialise in working with different businesses to create outstanding content to connect target audiences to brands.

What are the benefits of content marketing?

Content marketing has multiple benefits for your company, some of them include:

  • Increased Sales
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Higher volume of traffic

How can I create new content regularly?

There are plenty of sites which allow you to use photos on their website which are copyright free, this way you will not be breaking any laws when promoting your business. If you are looking to create content from scratch then there are sites including Canva which can help you. A good way to get some ideas for your content is by using content curation. This allows you to browse and brainstorm ideas from other businesses content.

Using social media to help grow your business is a great way to widen your audience and increase the traffic to your website. With the constant growth and development of different social media platforms, there are plenty of ways you can use them to benefit your brand. According to Statista, more than half of the world’s population is now using social media. Therefore this means social media is the perfect service industry to branch out to when marketing your brand. Despite having so many users around the globe and so many different platforms, what are the benefits of social media marketing?

Increases Your Websites Visibility

One of the benefits of using social media marketing is that it can increase your website’s visibility. Once you manage to connect with your target audience or any audience at all, you may find your website traffic is increasing. But, before you can assume that people will want to engage with your content or your brand, you should optimise your platform. This way, you’ll make a great first impression, in the hope that the person will want to find out more.

When somebody first clicks on your profile, they will see all of the details you provide. This includes your profile picture, your name, bio and most importantly, your website URL link. If your page is optimised and your content is appealing, people will want to engage. So, having a link in your profile is essential. This way people can visit your website in one click if the link is available, therefore increasing your website’s visibility.

Improved Customer Satisfaction/ Loyalty

Using social media marketing to promote your brand to more people is not only a way to get your content seen and heard but also to build relationships. Most customers will always prioritise companies which have great customer satisfaction and communication over those who do not. If your brand uses social media, a customer is able to easily contact you and hopefully get the response they are searching for. This will increase brand loyalty as the customer may feel more attached. Therefore leading to more conversions and traffic on your site.

Although, it can also work in the opposite way. If you use social media and do not interact with your audience you may be unfortunately painting a negative image on your brand. Therefore leading to your audience and customers stop interacting in with page, posts and website.

benefits of social media marketing


One of the many benefits of social media marketing is that it is very cost-effective. Whether your brand has a couple of followers or even millions there are plenty of ways you can help it grow. These ways do not have to be expensive, you trial free ways in which to grow your platform. Depending on the social platform you are using, the way in which you choose to grow your audience will differ. Some platforms enable you to grow and promote your brand easily without any ads. Whereas using others will be a lot harder, meaning it may best to avoid the platform or purchase paid ads if necessary.

Despite this being said, there are plenty of ways which you can market your brand for free. This may be doing extra content creation and curation to take your social media platforms to the next level, attracting a larger audience who may convert and increase your traffic.

Although, depending on your brand, industry and audience, paid ads may be a better option for growing traffic. Thankfully, depending on the social media platform the prices for paid ads vary. This way you are able to get better control and trial out different paid ads on different platforms.

Here at Hive Digital Media, we offer a range of services to help you grow your brand. Our marketing strategies are beneficial to any brands no matter what size it is. If you are wanting more information on our services, click here.

Are you wanting to use some sort of platform to help grow your business? With the digital world constantly evolving, there are plenty of different platforms out there which you can advertise on. If you do all of the necessary research to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each, then deciding between which to use will be a simple task. You need to consider aspects including which platform is dominated by your target audience and which platforms are not. We understand that nobody wants to waste money or time, therefore we have listed some advertising channels along with their pros and cons to ensure you are understanding the downsides, not just the pros.

PPC - Advertising

PPC Marketing (Pay-Per-Click)

PPC is used by millions of businesses and marketers all over the globe, but what actually is it?  This way of advertising involves using a display ad on different platforms and paying for every click the ad receives. It is a targeted way of getting people to visit your site in the hope they will make a conversion (sale). You tend to find these type of ads on Google, Bing and even Facebook.

Pros of PPC

  1. Cost-Effective – As you only pay when a user reaches your website, this method can be a great value for money. Depending on how many conversions you make from the user clicking the ad, the cost of the PPC ad may not cost you too much.
  2. Quick Results – Unlike SEO, PPC shows quick results. This does not require as much patience as other techniques do.
  3. Control – You have a say on what type of visitors you want coming to your website.

Cons of PPC

  1. PPC is not free – The price of PPC varies, but if you are a small business owner, you will do anything to save as much money as possible.
  2. Ads will disappear when your campaign ends – You will not receive the same amount of traffic.
  3. Can be complicated – PPC can be complicated and tricky to learn. Therefore, it takes a while for you to educate yourself before you can begin.
Hand holding phone - social media for advertising

Social Media Platforms

Using social media when advertising your business is a great way to spread awareness to your audience. With Facebook being the most popular social media platform, it is the best one to advertise on. This is because Facebook engages with people of all ages. It has around 2.6 billion monthly users, meaning that the site will certainly have thousands of users in your target audience bracket. Although, despite Facebook being the biggest platform, it is not always the best option. Thankfully, with technology and digital businesses constantly growing, there are plenty more platforms which have millions, if not billions of users every month too.

Pro’s of Social Media Platforms

  1. Increased Brand Awareness – Social media platforms often display their ads in a similar way to normal posts on your timeline. So, as a user is scrolling through their social media page, they are likely to engage with it, just like they would any other post.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates – With social media ads, it is just as simple as the click of one button and a user has found themselves scrolling through your website wanting to know more. If you make your ad appealing enough, your conversion rates from social media ads will definitely increase.
  3. Improved Brand Loyalty – When a customer is able to communicate with a business directly, they tend to feel a lot comfortable with your brand.

Cons of Social Media

  1. Time-Consuming – Using social media when advertising can be very time-consuming, especially if you are new to it. As it is a gradual process, the chances of your receiving many conversions from your ads can be low.
  2. Reputation – With the freedom that social media brings with posting, it can sometimes be difficult to perfect a post. One poorly judged post or message could damage the reputation of the whole business.
  3. High Volume of Content – Due to the high use of social media and a large amount of content being published every second, it is hard to find exactly what you are looking for. So, your target audience may not even spot you.
Advertising - Data From Ads

Google AdWords

Advertising with Google AdWords is a great way for your business to get noticed. This is because Google is the largest search engine in the world. It has around 91.75% of the worlds market share, showing that Google dominates over every other search engine including Bing. Ads do not only show up on partnered websites as display ads but also the search pages. Therefore, wherever your audience is looking, they are likely to see your business within their search. This will lead to more conversions for your brand. But, is Google actually as great as it sounds?

Pros of Google AdWords

  1. Reaching your audience – With Google being the leading search engine, the likelihood of you connecting to your target audience is high.
  2. Results can be instant – The results from Google Ads can be instant, so whether you are wanting to grow your brand as fast as possible or just connect to a few users, you will see results.
  3. You can measure and monitor your results – The campaign dashboard allows you to monitor your results. This means you are able to see all of the statistics from your ads.

Cons of Google AdWords

  1. Price – The price of the keyword you are wanting to rank for is influenced by the competition. Therefore, if your industry is very competitive, the likelihood of your keyword being expensive is high.
  2. A learning curve – Understanding AdWords can be difficult and it may take time. Learning the ins and outs is essential when wanting to grow your business using AdWords.
  3. Late Repayments – If you fail to pay for the AdWords fee then your presence will immediately be removed from Google.

Choosing where you want to advertise your business without wasting time or money can be made simpler if you do the necessary research. This will ensure that you are understanding the basics of advertising using different channels. Here at Hive Digital Media, we offer a range of services including Google Ads, SEO and Social Ads, meaning that you do not necessarily need to educate yourself on these areas. For more information click here.

Although fancy advertising, publicity and paid promotions are all very good ways of growing your business they are not necessarily the best way to do it. This is because there are plenty of other ways in which you can organically grow your brand at either a very low cost or for free. You just have to find the right way for you and your brand. So, we have put together a list of ways you can organically grow your brand.

Using HashTags

Using hashtags on social media will push your content out to a wider audience. This way you will attract new customers and grow your online presence. Hashtags are becoming more and more used on the Internet and on social media as they have been proven to bring in more views, likes and followers to your website or social page.

The great thing about hashtags is that there are specific times that your hashtags may be trending. Therefore if you base your posting around them times, you will get more views from a wider audience, hopefully increasing conversions or engagement.

Consistent Posting

Whether you’re posting on social media, blogs on the website, or even about new products, you should make your posting consistent. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to post four times a day, every single, day. It just means that you should post at the same time on the same day, every time you post. For example, if you are posting a YouTube video, you should set a specific day of the week which you will post. This way the people who keep on top of your content will be able to recognize and understand when they should be looking out for your content.

You could also try to base your posting on the most popular times to post. These can be found in the analytics section of your pages. You should be able to see the best times for you to post depending on when your followers are most active. Although if you’re just starting out, or you have a low following, it might be best for you to stick to the most popular times to post depending on your location.

Connect with followers and customers

This is another great way to grow your following and your audience. People love to be interacted with, in other words, if you share a conversation with a follower, they are more likely to prefer your brand to a brand that does not interact with them. Building relationships with customers is an essential task you should do when trying to grow your brand organically. This does not necessarily mean that you need to privately message every single one of your followers. But, instead, why not post content they can either relate to or interact with. This way they will allow them to feel like your brand values the audience.

Invest in your website

The website which looks the part is a great way to kickstart the growth of your company. To start off with nobody likes to use a website that is confusing or full of advertisements. Therefore making your website look attractive, feel attractive, and be easy to use is a great way for you to begin growing your business.

But the look and feel of the website is not the only reason you should invest in a website. One of the most important aspects of the website is search engine optimisation (SEO). You should try to optimise your content as much as you can to help you rank higher on search engines. Here at Hive Digital Media, we focus on not only SEO but also website development to help your website be the best it can be.

Know your competiton

Keeping on track of what your competition is doing in the industry is a great way to plan out what you can do. This will enable you to stand out from the crowd and be unique when it comes to what your audience wants to see. This will lead them to hopefully see something different in your brand and allow them to choose you over all of your competition.

For more information on our services here at Hive Digital Media, click here.

As the whole of England has been confined to their homes for the past few months, you might be wondering, has the use of social media marketing increased during this period?  Teenagers especially tend to spend a lot of time on social media. The lockdown has taken the usage to the next level. This offers businesses the best opportunity to promote their brand whilst there is a higher percentage of people using social media.

Social media scrolling

Different Platforms

Global Internet traffic rose 40% due to the COVID-19 pandemic, essentially cramming more than a year’s worth of growth into just a few weeks, according to Sandvine.

Social media ads are a great way to get your content out to people all over the world with only a few clicks. If you are active on the most popular social media platforms you will understand a little bit more about how the ads work on specific sites.

For example on Instagram ads Appear not only in the feed but also in the stories. This gives your brand a better chance of being seen by a wider audience. When you see an ad on platforms like Instagram, they appear just like an image posted by a friend, meaning, they will be seen if somebody is just casually scrolling. 

Whereas YouTube presents ads in various different ways like at the beginning of a video, at the side, underneath or even on top of the video. They are all different ways to catch users attention without impacting their use of the site too much. This technique allows the user to interact with the ad at any time depending on its position. 

Therefore more and more brands have started advertising on social media during the pandemic. This is mainly due to the high amount of people using different platforms. But, also because other ways of advertising are not available at this time. Therefore many brands have to switch up their advertising techniques. To allow them to still get traffic to the sites and pages.

What social media platforms are the best?

The social media platform which you choose entirely depends on your brand. You should consider the results that you are wanting to find. Typical things you should consider are:

  1. Where your target customers are most concentrated (usage, groups, etc.)
  2. Where your target customers are most accessible.
  3. Does your target customers most actively engage with ads. 

Please bear in mind that advertising on social media is not something which might bring you automatic results. It may require you to spend some time testing out different platforms or different strategies before you are able to know the best direction for your brand.

Can Hive Digital Media Help?

Here at Hive Digital Media, we offer a range of different services to help your brand grow and increased traffic. To find out more information about our services please click here. If you are wanting to get in touch our online chat located on the bottom right of our homepage.

Learning Social Media Algorithms

Social media is a place which is always changing its algorithms and trying to make itself the best platform possible. Whether this is to keep the audience wanting more or even to just make sure that the audience is getting what they want out of the platform. If you are wanting to gain online attention as a marketer, you must start by learning social media’s algorithms and understanding how they work.

What is Social Media Algorithms?

A social media algorithm is created to drive and deliver content to its users. Due to the massive increase in popularity of social media over the past years, the demand for better algorithms is always on-going. In other words, they are a set of rules or data which is used to deliver a result. Although not all social media platforms use algorithms, the chances are the most common and most used ones do. Have you ever wondered how your phone displays things you want to see or things which you have previously search? That is due to the algorithm.

social media algorithms

What are the types of Social Media Algorithms?

All social media algorithms are different. You might think they all work in a similar way, but in reality, they don’t. Below are some of the world’s top platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Linkedin.

1. Facebook

The Facebook algorithm feels like a mystery. Nobody knows if their presence on the platform will grow or decline, it is like a game. Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, meaning the chances of customer engagement is high. Although, back in 2018, Mark Zuckerberg changed the algorithm to ensure people were engaging with their family and friends posts more than any advertisement or business. But in 2020, Facebook’s main goal is to make its platform more honest and easy for users and give people more control over what they view on their news feed.

2. Instagram

When the algorithm of a large platform like Instagram changes, it affects everyone from big global businesses to celebrities and even to those with small public accounts. Like any other platform, Instagram wants its users to stay on the platform for as long as possible whilst interacting and engaging with other users and their posts. In return, Instagram prioritizes those with the most engagement meaning their posts and account will be open to more interaction.

3. Twitter

It is hard to stand out of the crowd on Twitter. Especially when you are trying to rely on people to retweet your content and your posts. You are never sure what is going to reach its maximum potential or not. With over 350,000 tweets sent every minute how will you be sure if your’s will be seen? The Twitter timeline is separated into 3 sections. As you view your feed you will see tweets ranked by algorithm, ‘in case you missed it’ and reverse chronological order tweets. Each is important for their own purposes, for example,  twitter displays its tweets in a rank order of high relevance based on its score system. So, some of the tweets you see on the news feed are from accounts you don’t even follow.

4. TikTok

Tiktok is a growing, upcoming platform which more and more brands and marketers are joining. The starting goal for you is to gain a position on the “For You” Page. This is where your videos can be seen by millions of people if you are lucky. The algorithm tends to highlight creators and encourages people to like their content, nevermind their account size or following range. Recently the algorithm for this platform changed and has not completely been cracked, but here is one of the most common ideas as to what goes in it:

  1. When a video is uploaded it is viewed by a few users to ensure it is not boring.
  2. TikTok view how much interaction your video is getting, if the interaction is high they will push it to more users and so on.

5. LinkedIn

At the moment, Linkedin is a fast-paced growing platform which is flourishing in new users and growth. It is bringing features other platforms don’t offer to make it stand out for marketers and businesses. Linkedin has a simple algorithm which chooses which posts you see on your feed. One of the best factors of the platform is that the more connections you make, the more people could potentially see your posts. In other words, the algorithm has two main goals, these are to prioritize relevant content. This is posts which you previously have shown favouritism towards. Secondly, is to promote engagement. This is things which you might like to see.

Can Marketing Agencies Help Increase Engagement?

Not everyone has the time to learn everything necessary as learning social media’s algorithms takes a long time and a lot of effort. A marketing agency like us here at Hive Digital Media will help your business gain more engagement and online recognition through its paid social ads and social media posts. Although some social media platforms have cut back on their ads, others are constantly adding more and more paid posts to their algorithms. Hence why paid social posts tend to bring in a high percentage of traffic to businesses.

If you would like to talk to us on how we can turn your content into leads and revenue, then just hit the ‘Let’s Talk’ button below.

7 Ways That Businesses Can Utilise TikTok in Their Marketing

With TikTok becoming a huge phenomenon for Gen-Z and Millennials, many are now downloading the trending app in order to learn what all the fuss is about – and for marketers, they’re wondering if it can be used for effective marketing strategies.

TikTok is dominated by a younger audience with some of its biggest stars ranging between 15-25 years old. The app provides a growing range of options for marketing ideas and advertisements. With TikTok being a video platform, there are a lot of areas where it could go wrong regarding content. However, they are taking extra measures to educate their users on how to safely use the platform. So, if your business is thinking about adding TikTok into its digital marketing strategy? Then read on to learn more about the app.

What is TikTok?

TikTok, similar to Vine and Musical.ly, is all about short videos from 15 to 60 seconds long.

Most of the users of the app come from Musical.ly. So, many people find themselves already having an active account when signing up. Musical.ly was an app where users simply uploaded videos of themselves lip-synching to music videos, while the more talented, enthusiastic, and technically proficient members uploaded videos of original content. The latter cohort went on to become influencers on the platform. 

man playing with the tiktok app on his phone

TikTok videos can be from 15 seconds to 60 seconds long. Users are also able to upload longer videos which have been recorded outside the app itself. There is also the option to live-streaming option to connect with your audience and a range of filters and tools to help video content originality.

How your business can utilise TikTok

If you’re looking to use TikTok to your businesses advantage, it isn’t that difficult to get your head around. When it comes to using TikTok, here are 3 easy steps to be on your way to great content:

1. Create a channel for your own brand and upload videos that are relevant to your business.

2. Utilise influencers to give your content or business access to a wider audience.

3. Pay to advertise utilising TikTok’s new campaign options.

7 Ways to use TikTok to get your business out there

Aside from setting up the basics of TikTok, here are seven other ways that you could use the app to your businesses advantage:

  1. In a world where consumers are becoming increasingly sceptical of ads, the raw, unedited videos on TikTok can be a great way to showcase people using your brand in their everyday lives. 
  2. TikTok videos can also be a great place to showcase business behind the scenes or in-the-moment content.
  3. #HashtagChallenges are great because they prompt engagement. They’re simple to join in and fun. If you’re not yet a well-established brand, you can also consider using influencers to help kickstart your challenge campaign.
  4. Dance challenges, with these becoming ever so popular, if your business is able to create a dance that showcases a new product or service, then you could use that to bring some fun to it.
  5. Brand takeovers are a great way to add embedded links can be connected to websites landing pages or challenges and hashtags within the platform.
  6. When it comes to creating original content, with the many sounds that TikTok offers, you could use those or create your own to showcase your brand in a brilliant way.
  7. As mentioned earlier, utilising influencers is a way that you can access a much larger audience whilst also creating some great industry relationships.

We believe that TikTok has the opportunity to connect with audiences in new, fun and engaging ways. It still has a way to go yet before it becomes a key channel, but it may well be worth considering for your 2020 campaigns. 

If you would like to talk to us on how we can turn your content into leads and revenue, then just hit the ‘Let’s Talk’ button below.

The Benefits of Using Social Media for Business

Social media is a collective of all interactive platforms in which people can share content whilst being able to socialise with each other. The demand for having social media profiles is growing rapidly, not only for personal profiles but also many platforms are dominated by businesses large and small.

We believe that it doesn’t matter if you run a small local shop or a big national company. Social media is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy. Although, not every platform is a perfect match for every brand due to different industry and target demographics.

Social Media Demographic

15 Benefits of Using Social Media

Now we’ll discuss 15 amazing benefits of social media marketing for your business. That ultimately leads your business to a new level.

1. We all use social media

As you already know, there are around 3.5 billion people who use social media worldwide, meaning, your audience is probably using it too. 

2. Increasing inbound traffic

Advertising your brand on social media is an extra way to boost your inbound traffic. By sharing your content on social media, you are giving users a reason to click to your website and potentially buy what you have to offer.

3. Humanises your business

Being active on social media helps massively with humanising your business. If you aren’t updating your customer’s regularly and interacting with them, they might see this as robotic. 

4. Get customer opinions

Social media enables its users and your customers to interact with you through not only your posts but also directly through messages and comments.  

5. Active presence helps

An active presence makes your customers aware that you are a legitimate company which understands the value of social media and interacting with the customers. Similarly, this paired with excellent content can increase brand awareness and potentially, attract new customers.

6. Easy way to interact

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all allow its users to comment, like and share your posts easily giving them a way to interact with you. Also, you can respond to your customers and answer any questions which they might have in a few clicks. 

7. Building trust

A brand that values and interacts with its customers, takes the time to compose a personal message, which is perceived naturally in a positive light and leads to building trust. Even if it doesn’t start out that way, as your social media grows, more people will trust your brand and share your content.

8. Consistent brand image

Certain platforms, especially Instagram allow you to create a specific brand image which makes you different from other brands. The platform allows you to post videos and images onto your page which others can see. You aim to create a specific image you want people to recognise you for and which represent your brand. A consistent brand image will help you keep your customers engaged and updated. 

9. Able to track competitors

There is no doubt that your competitors will be using social media. This means you will be able to see all of their posts understand their advertising strategies and see their customers. Therefore, this will give you a better understanding of your competitors.

10. Boosts sales

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook can let you sell your products through their sites. Whether your business is aiming to drive sales, or more website traffic, you should acknowledge that getting social media engagement is an easy conversion point.

11. Targeted advertising

Social media is a great way to understand your customers and what they like to see and do. Also, this can benefit your brand and their targeted advertising as you can understand your audience more, meaning you can direct your content towards them.  

12. Check analytics

Analytics is a great way to understand whether or not your advertising and interacting in the right way. Most of the major platforms have a tool which enables you to see how your posts and account are doing. Although some platforms may require some third party.

13. Spreads brand awareness

Having people interact and become more aware of your brand will increase everything for you, giving you more traffic and engagement. So, posting helpful content directly to your audience will allow them to gain a better understanding along with building trust. 

14. Chance of going viral

Certain platforms allow other users to share your posts and promote your content.

Shares especially allow other people who wouldn’t have found you otherwise to see your profile increasing your engagement and potentially leading to more followers and more purchases (particularly if you’re selling products).  

15. Enhanced SEO rankings

Google has stated that social shares have no impact on your website’s ranking in google search. But it’s a fact that social media properties do rank higher on the front of the search engine result pages for brand names.  

If you would like to talk to us on how we can grow your business digitally, then just hit the ‘Let’s Talk’ button below.